Wikileaks Video: The C.I.A tried to stop the publication of this video...A must see!!!

Publié le par disgrace23

"On 12 July 2007, two Reuters news staff, Saeed Chmagh and Namir Noor-Eldeen, were killed in Baghdad, along with several civilians.[102] Lieutenant-Colonel Scott Bleichwehl, spokesman for U.S. forces in Baghdad, stated: "There is no question that coalition forces were clearly engaged in combat operations against a hostile force."[103]


Reuters subsequently asked the United States military to probe these deaths, and in particular requested answers to the following questions:[102]
  • An explanation of why the two cameras were confiscated.
  • Access to any cameras on-board the Apache helicopters that were involved in the incident.
  • Access to any voice communications between the helicopter crews and U.S. ground forces.
  • Access to reports from the unit involved in the incident, in particular a log of any weapons taken from the scene.

In a press conference on 5 April 2010 at the National Press Club (USA), Wikileaks released a video "showing murder of Iraqi civilians and two Reuters journalists".[104][105][106] According to The Washington Post, a U.S. defense official has confirmed that the leaked video was authentic.[107] The 38-minute video shot from an Apache helicopter gunsight reveals that US military mistook the journalists' cameras for AK-47s and a rocket-propelled grenade, and opened fire, resulting in the death of several people, including the two Reuters news staffers. An unmarked van with several apparently unarmed men and two children inside of it pulled up and the men tried to help a survivor. After this the van (and the men) were fired upon, leaving two children wounded and all the men dead. " 





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